AMJA held its 7th annual conference in Dallas
Imams from across USA and Canada joined scholars from around
the world in a three days conference in Irving Dallas under the auspices of the
famous Dr Salah Al Sawy. He is the current chair of the American Muslim Jurists
Assembly and former chancellor of the Islamic University of Islamabad and
Malaysia. About 200 Imams and scholars convened to discuss issues surrounding
the Muslim woman living in the West. The main sponsors of the event were a
number of local Muslim charities and Juma was held at the majestic Irving Islamic
Centre. Many scholars presented their papers in English and some in Arabic with
translation available by head phones. There were a noticeable number of
attendees from the Indian subcontinent seminaries and a lively interaction
ensued after each session. Topics included women working, participating in
sports, abortion, beautification, participation in politics and marital
pleasures, etc
AMJA has a growing need in USA and similar interest in
Canada as its online presence grows with thousands of questions asked and now
an online university on Islam called Miskha. Dr Hatem Al Haj is the vice chair
and being a doctor and scholar he spoke about bridging the gap between the
academia and traditional Islamic teachings through well rounded scholarship.
Author launches ‘Whispers of Kaieteur’
18, 2013 | BY KNEWS | FILED UNDER NEWS byashley rehanna
Canadian-based Guyanese,
Habeeb Alli’s 15th publication was launched on Thursday evening last in the
Conference Room of the National Library located on Church Street in Georgetown,
Author, Habeeb Alli hands over a copy of his book to a student
of the ISA Islamic School
Titled the ‘Whispers of
Kaieteur’, and inspired by the magnificent Kaieteur Falls, the book chronicles
news, letters, poems, and a number of personal activities of its author, with
deep reflection of his home, Guyana.
There is also a piece reflecting on his time being in Mahaica Creek.
The book basically focuses on the strengthening of society and its people in various settings so that peace could prevail, and persons can enjoy harmonious relationships.
Ironically, Alli was a Queen’s College student pursuing the Sciences. And as he puts it, the Sciences have inspired him to experiment with his more creative side.
Meanwhile, a book review done by PhD candidate in Theology at Emmanuel College, Susan Harrison, described Alli’s publication as a piece having the capacity to network and build bridges of understanding within and beyond the Canadian Muslim community.
Harrison also pointed out Alli’s “compassion for humanity and tireless efforts, rooted in his devotion to Allah, hallmarks that are evident in his writings”.
She went on to establish that “Alli’s book makes evident his capacity to His Guyanese background; gives him an edge at noticing where communities are ready to transcend racism and other barriers on the path of faith. Indeed, it has given him the ability to ‘navigate between cultures, traditions, and religious personalities’ and we, his readers, benefit from his dexterity.”
She also highlighted Alli’s ‘people-oriented’ nature, stating that “his compassion for humanity and tireless efforts, rooted in his devotion to Allah, overflows in these poems, articles, letters, and accounts of the myriad of activities he has both catalyzed and given testimony to on these pages.”
As far as the news component of the book goes, Harrison asserted that the news reports show a vibrant, living, faith-based community that is active in caring for one another and their neighbors in Canadian society, and further abroad.
At the launching ceremony on Thursday last, a presentation of copies of the book ‘Whispers of Kaieteur’ was made to the National Library and the ISA Islamic School.
There is also a piece reflecting on his time being in Mahaica Creek.
The book basically focuses on the strengthening of society and its people in various settings so that peace could prevail, and persons can enjoy harmonious relationships.
Ironically, Alli was a Queen’s College student pursuing the Sciences. And as he puts it, the Sciences have inspired him to experiment with his more creative side.
Meanwhile, a book review done by PhD candidate in Theology at Emmanuel College, Susan Harrison, described Alli’s publication as a piece having the capacity to network and build bridges of understanding within and beyond the Canadian Muslim community.
Harrison also pointed out Alli’s “compassion for humanity and tireless efforts, rooted in his devotion to Allah, hallmarks that are evident in his writings”.
She went on to establish that “Alli’s book makes evident his capacity to His Guyanese background; gives him an edge at noticing where communities are ready to transcend racism and other barriers on the path of faith. Indeed, it has given him the ability to ‘navigate between cultures, traditions, and religious personalities’ and we, his readers, benefit from his dexterity.”
She also highlighted Alli’s ‘people-oriented’ nature, stating that “his compassion for humanity and tireless efforts, rooted in his devotion to Allah, overflows in these poems, articles, letters, and accounts of the myriad of activities he has both catalyzed and given testimony to on these pages.”
As far as the news component of the book goes, Harrison asserted that the news reports show a vibrant, living, faith-based community that is active in caring for one another and their neighbors in Canadian society, and further abroad.
At the launching ceremony on Thursday last, a presentation of copies of the book ‘Whispers of Kaieteur’ was made to the National Library and the ISA Islamic School.
Muslims of
Canada supports Muslims in Guyana Earth Day campaign
“Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”
“Purification is half of Faith.”
Shamal Zamaludin has done Dawah though his thought provoking
brochures on lslam and TV crisp documentaries on Islam. He initiated a cleanup
campaign among several of Guyana’s leading Muslim organizations for Earth Day
and has been successful in getting the City council and Government Ministers
and local agencies abroad. Recently, he reached out to the Muslims in Canada to
support this worthy cause and the Islamic Foundation donated as well as several
business persons and friends of Guyana. Joe and Lily Ally of Atlas Concrete and
ardent contributors of Sayeda Khadija Centre, sent down a brush cutter from
Canada. Habeeb during his book launch at the National Library presented these
donations and was received in an audience of almost 80 persons and the local
media. CIOG, GIT, ISA School, MYL, Muslims Businesses, etc. are involved.
According to Shamal,” Local
financial donations & yours have done & are doing the following: 1.
Printed thousands of bumper stickers (pic 2)2. Posted signs on the streets,
Paid brothers doing the brush cutting 4. Bought water for the volunteers 5.
Paid the truck drivers to remove the garbage”.

Check out the blog
MIST Toronto launched
its fifth year at York University
Where do you find a thousand young Minds interacting n
competing in Islam and Arts in Toronto? Hamza Moin had this inspiration several
years ago as a young Artist himself and stand-up comedian to ensure youths had
a safe place to express their artistic side and enjoy through competition
without getting careened off into haram. This year event was centered on the
self and the importance of balancing life achievements with solid spiritual
grounding. Almost a thousand students from the Islamic and Public high schools participated
in spoken word, scientific research, orations, poetry, nasheed singing, art,
Habeeb Alli was among three judges for the oratory competition
and it was indeed mind boggling as well as entertaining to see the eagerness of
many youths wanting to express themselves on current political topics as well
as social issues with the dynamics of research, Islamic studies, Iman and
motivational speech guidelines falling into a single paradigm to produce a
battery of promising speakers. They were tested on time keeping- something for
Imams to take hint on!
Ghulam Sajan honored
with Queen Jubilee Award
Ghulam Sajan is Canadian Muslim with endless accolades and a
man of many hats. He is known for his fundraising knack in the Shia community
and his famous Eid dinner that brings the Interfaith communities together. He
was among the 60,000 Canadians to have received the prestigious Queen Jubilee
Award for outstanding community service to humanity. On June 26, 2012, Ghulam
Abbas Sajan was awarded the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal for his many years of
service to the community. MPP (Member of Provincial Parliament) Peter Shurman
recognized Ghulam Sajan as an active member of the community, among others,
having served as President of the Islamic Shi’a Ithna-asheri Jamaat of Toronto.
Ghulam has been heavily involved in interfaith activities, including 32 years
of acting as co-Chair of the MOSAIC Interfaith group, representing and
promoting dialogue between various religious groups. In 2005, he was appointed
to the Ontario Human Rights Commission and served for 3 years.
He credits this to his Islamic upbringing in Tanzania from
the age of 8 when he was eager to help in the mosque. Recently his family,
friends and well-wishers joined him, fresh from a trip abroad and miraculously recovered
from a serious brush of cancer, to celebrate this man at the Simply Delicious
Banquet Hall, Markham. The roast of speeches reminded the wonderful audience of
Ghulam’s varied family cordiality where he has an adopted Jewish daughter,
wonderful work place mannerisms in Tanzania remembered by more than one
colleague, his fundraising hobby spoken to by Dr Takim Liaqat and the friendly generous
side mentioned by Dr Sachedina’s- brother Mohamed. Habeeb Alli congratulated
Ghulam for working with the Council of Imams in ensuring dialogue and cordial
relations exist among the two communities and a poem extempore was read as a
compliment! The event was hosted by the breakfast friends and his daughter
Fatima Sajan spoke to her father’s inspiration in making her a young leader in
the community. Sajan at the end thanked everyone for the surprise luncheon and almost
asked them to donate to a cause he just adopted while in Pakistan!
University department of Humanities hosted a dialogue on Religious Pluralism.
Members travelling to Jerusalem from Christian, Muslim and
Jewish communities were constantly told that there are two truths. Mr. Ron
Smith wanted to explore this further with an Imam, Pastor and Rabbi.
Audiences were presented to by Habeeb Alli from the Canadian
Council of Imams and the Rabbi, Prof Lockshin who is the head of the religious
department of York University. He later said that he was inspired about Islam’s
critical stance on monotheism as a young reader of Maimonides. Noel Badou from
the Centre of Human Rights coordinated the event in the prestigious Nat Taylor
Cinema. Among the others were two students from Valley Park School that
participated in that travel. They said they had misconceived ideas about others
and the trip made them see the other side of the story as well as get an opportunity
to interact and learn from each other. One person in the audience highlighted
that with the swell of atheism and anti religious favor such dialogues are
critical and should be more publicized with secular and other religious personalities
asked to present. The Rabbi felt there was only one truth while the Imam showed
that Islam looks at other religions originating from the One God called Al
Haqq- the Truth. With the passage of time sometimes that truth gets blurred but
truth it is, like a diamond, just covered in dust!
IDRF launches Youth
Leadership Board
International Development and Relief Foundation have been
around for 27years, doing relief and development work in 27 countries and
working closely with Canadians of all stripes and colors. The Chairman, Mr.
Winston Kassim, recently held a reception at the newly acquired corporate
location 908 East Mall to showcase the charity to young professionals. He
himself a banker and philanthropist, started with IDRF some 11 years ago as
someone who wanted to give without being known! Doctors, lawyers, bankers,
fundraisers, leaders, men and women alike, found themselves liking the
opportunity to give back without being curtailed by their rich experiences,
creativity and diversity.
Penny Fancy the Development Director welcomed the eager
attendees and answered their questions while Director Yasmine asked that they
formulate their own board and ideas into furthering the cause of the reputable
Canadian Muslim charity. Habeeb Alli was introduced as the new Community
Development Manager and long standing Executives Zeib Jeeva and Javed Akbar
were present. IDRF started off as a humble undertaking to help refugees by the
Ontario Award Recipient Dr Fuad Shahin, resident of Niagara Falls and one time
Imam of that mosque.
Khalid Usman did it
again- 1 M for Stoufville Hospital
Promised to be an evening of excitement and great
entertainment and so it was- the 11th annual Pakistan Day Gala at
the impressive Crystal fountain banquet hall in Markham.
After the national anthem of Canada and Pakistan, the 750
guests were not treated to tasty hor od’overs only but a sumptuous display of talent
and short speeches from political leaders, religious leaders, and financial supporters
besides the Stoufville hospital management. Funds to the tune of 1 million
raised by Persons of Pakistan goes a far way of saying thank you for Canada, by
supporting the new wing of the emergency ward of the state of the art hospital
at 9th Line. The Yellow Brick House was also presented a check of 25
000 for their sterling work among women of domestic violence, a message sent to
men of South Asian background that this is unaccepted praise anywhere.
Plato Developments sponsored the event and as noted by the
Mayor of Markham Mr. Scarpetti the Markham Theater is now named Flato Theatre
thanks to the generous donation of 1 M by Mr. Shakier of Flato Home
Developments. Mr. and Mrs. Asif from Fragrance Club donated 200 000 towards the
hospital and coming from Guyana they did not feel alienated from joining hands
with Pakistani Khalid Usman, who had guests from all races, religions and towns
participating in this Gala. There was an auction of art pieces done by famous
Artist Nouman and the musical talent of Tariq Hameed knows no limits! The
cuisine was ideal and delicious and among the leaders noted on stage was Akbar
Warsi from Islamic Foundation, Ehsan Ehsanullah from Markham Masjid, Najmul
Siddiqui from DarulIman and Winston Kassim form IDRF.
Civic Muslims
celebrate Lights off earth day and first anniversary
A candle light dinner!
In a Multifaith centre downtown! Viewing documentaries on the
environment and eating baklava among a hundred young professionals. Yes, these
are Muslims doing Dawah by civic engagement and making a difference with their
online presence and through their climbing the CN Tower for Wild Life Fund,
helping to clean Rouge Park for earth day and having conversations at Paramount
restaurant on saving the world. Sounds like my hippie days wanting to save the
Earth except this is spiritually grounded on Islam’s strongest values of
modesty and halal lifestyle. Muaz Nasir is a green Muslim and he started the
green Khutba campaign to get Muslim Imams around the world buy in to saving the
planet from pollutants. Mohamed Ali has a passion to network Muslims and so do
Sara and Omar and others on the team. The night at the candle
lit dinner when lights went off in Toronto main core for an hour in trying to
save energy a speaker who hikes in the Himalayas and Rouge Park conservation
enlightened us the important of small
steps in saving the earth as Khalifa and stewards. Hijabi and Hiker, she sees a
spiritual act to know nature and save the world. Another Professor spoke about
the social cost of environmental damage and yet another spoke on keeping the
movement going among Muslims who waste water and food shamelessly in their
mosques and functions.
A cake to mark the first anniversary was there with the
Canadian flag colors and the crescent- their logo for Muslims being Canadian
and Canadian being Muslims!
Next event- Climbing CN Tower on April 27th. See site.
I’ve signed up- hope you will! “We are a Canadian grassroots initiative
promoting volunteerism and civic engagement.”
seminar held at Ontario Muslim Academy, Cambridge
Mufti Zakaria Panchbhaya, Imam in Malton Masjid and graduate
of South Africa Azadville Darululoom, conducted an in-depth seminar on the dos
and don’ts on Zakat in Islam at the newly purchased church turned mosque and
school in Cambridge. This town has two beautifully purpose built mosques and this
third entity caterers to Alim and Hafiz programs. Mufti spoke to an audience of
men and women separated, and were asked several questions pertaining to paying Zakat
by mortgage-owners. and organized this event.
for Accessible AIDS Treatment in Toronto held their Café’s Scientifique in
Daniels Theater
Asked to speak at Café’ Scientifique at Artscape Daniel Theater
in Regent Park was surprise. The scientific community studying stigma HIV
positive people have to face in the diversity communities launched their
knowledge sharing with the public at the newly built artful edifice in Regent
Park called Daniels Theater. Among the speakers was Habeeb Alli who spoke of
the work the Canadian Council of Imams have been doing in educating the masses
about HIV through workshops, brochures and speaking engagements. It was
heartening to see many Muslims in the audience and the many stories shared
about social justice and personal therapy against trauma. It was indeed a great
Café’s with halal cuisine and congratulatory notes to the participants of the
last two workshops held in Ryerson last year.
Attendees participated in a mindfulness exercise as well as Lego
play in order to demonstrate the importance of accepting your situation and
moving on to a commitment of goodness and willingness to help others.
Ajax masjid
hosted fundraiser at Scarborough Convention Centre
The first mosque in Ajax Durham started under the name Falah
Musalla and with the support of Council of Ajax the purchase of a warehouse
near their present location at Taunton Rd at a cost of 1.4 M is well on the way
of achieving thanks to a packed audience that raised almost 400Ks in one night.
Dr Munir El Kasim gored on and Junaid Jamshaid encouraged all with his
nasheeds. Waqas Sayed is the President and he has been doing yeoman service
trying to steer the ship with Mufti Wajidullah at the helm.
It was a beautiful evening at the new elegant Scarborough
Convention Center near Islamic Institute of Toronto on Neilson Rd and Finch.
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