7th One
Love Gala 2019 recognized among many Warren Abbey freed after eleven years a
It is not often you hear of someone whose life turned upside
down due to wrongful incarceration but with faith and resilience against
injustice he walked away free as well as a profile of tutoring maths and science
and the Quran to fellow inmates!
That was the resounding story, among many others, on Saturday
night at the beautiful Elite Banquet Hall where Warren Abbey was awarded the
Malcolm X award for Black History month. Malcolm X fought against anti Black
racism in America in the 6o’s and this injustice against Blacks continues even
after decades, like todays’ racial profiling. Warren Abbey, among others, received
an applause for fighting for their freedom after believing in their truths.
Inset from left is Warren Abbey, Eddie- TV host, Joseph, Motiar-except Eddie all are former inmates and awardees; for their impactful reintegration
The evening was graced by the Keynote Ahmad Tahera from Chicago-
a North Western University Interfaith Chaplain and Hon Minister of Science, Dr.
Kirsty Duncan, and MP for Etobicoke North- who both touched the beautiful
audience with their thoughts and compassion.
The charity of choice at this year’s One Love Gala was the Looking
at the Stars Foundation- founded by Dmitri Kanovich- in order to share free
classical music in the prisons of Canada- 25 sessions since 2015.
Inset from left Habeeb Alli, Tushar Unadath the Emcee, Dmitri
The diverse social started some seven years ago by Chaplain
Habeeb Alli and friends, when the former federal government threatened to end diversity
chaplaincy programs in federal prisons.