Friday, 18 January 2013

Dec reports

Dec reports

NAMF 11th Annual Gala
It was another year of festive and celebratory mood at the NAMF gala where tribute to the great works done by the Volunteers were made through certificates presented by MP of Agincourt the Hon Jim Karigiannis. This year’s event was to fundraise on behalf of the MRI Campaign at Birchmount campus hospital. The CEO Dr. John Wright reminded the approximately 350 strong audiences of varied ethnic and religious backgrounds of the pertinent nature of this effort and how the hospital has embarked on a modesty dress for Muslim women where other women and hospital are now interested in as well as halal meals.
The Queen Jubilee Awards were presented to Mr Farouk Khan, Executive Director for North American Muslim Foundation and Dr Shanaz Dar for their outstanding relief efforts during the Pakistan floods by Mr Karigiannis.
The evening was indeed one of pleasure and good memories as many guests won door prizes and enjoyed a sumptuous cuisine of great festivity. Alia Chan, a former speech competition winner and now a Ryerson student was the MC for the Gala and she did a wonderful job in ensuring the speakers as well as the guests were entertained and the program was on time. Hon MPP of Agincourt Soo Wong was in attendance and she reminded how important health is and how much she has enjoyed working the Muslim community at NAMF over the short years in office and hopes so in the future. Later in the year NAMF did present a 25,000.00 check towards the MRI campaign to the TSH Foundation.

First Canadian-born Muslim graduates as Forces chaplain

Having Caribbean roots, Canadian foundations and Islamic training with academics spawned from UK to Harvard has earned Mr Ryan Carter the title of Captain Rasheed. The elaborate ceremony attended by friends and family in the North town of Borden at the Canadian Forces base among other Christian chaplains was indeed indicative of what a prestigious position this is for the Muslim community. Rasheed is a member of the Canadian Council of Imams and a member of the ongoing Interfaith Scriptural reasoning sessions held every month by Susan Harrison. He has served in many capacities in the community and was trained for his position in Edmonton. His chaplaincy will serve members of the Forces who are Muslims primarily and be a conduit of better understanding of Islam among his Interfaith compatriots of which he is already doing according to some of the colleagues Habeeb Alli met while at the function.
Congratulations and safe travels!

Christians would like to have active Muslims work with them

For almost 25years members of the Christian and Jewish communities in North York have ben meting over bread and the word of God. This was originally to stem away the forces of racism that was new and fearful in the beginning. With a changing city they would like to see Muslims join them but an effort to enroll Muslims and nearby Mosques has not gone favorable. Their have been attempts to visit a mosque but the welcome and education did not match the enthusiasm and quest for knowledge according to a long standing member Mr. Edmunds. Another to find common actions that serve all faiths was the concern of another member Mr. Charles. That may soon change with a recent meeting with Imam Habeeb who suggested having a common value project like the MRI campaign or organ donation. Members actually attended two NAMF functions in the past and are impressed with the kinds of work the Muslim community is involved in.  In the past imam Hamid Slimi, AbdulHai Patel and Habeeb Alli have spoken at their annual interfaith reception. Recently Noor Cultural centre opened their doors for Juma to this group and more things are in the hopeful as the New Year warrants only good things, if we believe in Allah truly!

Police celebrates Eid among other festivals
Every year the Muslim community, among others, is highlighted at the Toronto Police headquarters for the delightful and meaningful work they perform as partners with the Toronto Police. This year Mr Zul Kassim Ali who heads the South Asian liaison committee and Mr Osman Khan who is co chair of the Muslim liaison committee presented their thoughts and gratitude to all those in their respective committees and others for making 2012 a successful year. Greetings were received from the Chief Bill Blair as well as many other officers and well-wishers with Sangita Patel from City TV doing a fabulous job as MC, introducing the many speakers and entertainers, not as the weather forecaster! To note was choir from Ismaili youth core who performed songs in the various languages and faith traditions, celebrating that night. The food was no less than fantastic and the many guests were treated to a Turkish rendition by Imam Erdem who is the Toronto Police Muslim chaplain.

White ribbon campaign in Muslim communities

Domestic violence is everybody’s business. That’s the idea behind many Imams signing on this last month on this website- WWW.MUSLIMSFORWHITERIBBON.COM
Canadian Council of Imams actually hosted a special session at the Sayyeda Khadija centre where several Imams signed on to the campaign online and have their accompanying photo and statements attached to re emphasized on their Juma Khutba that week the importance of men standing up as heroes against those abusers and to be helpers of the women and men who are abused as Allah says we are partners and helpers unto each other.
The campaign two months curtains were drawn at RIS conference and Imam AbdurRasheed Taylor mentioned that they are other steps in the works to continue giving clinical and spiritual help to those suffering. 

RIS gala at Fairmount hosted interfaith speakers and guests

It was indeed heart warming, given the coldness of December, to witness at the regal Royal York ballroom not only Muslim notaries and Imams but important interfaith leaders and speakers rise to the occasion and show solidarity to the Muslim community of Canada,
Reviving the Islamic Spirit Conference, now in the eleventh year, attracts over 25000 attendees and 100 000 online listeners globally, listening to wide array of speakers and topics.
Dr Karen Armstrong in her key note address mentioned that her work on the Charter of Compassion saw Muslims in Pakistan as the most enthusiastic yet most challenged. RIS like ISNA has signed unto the Charter asking humanity to tap into that aspect of the Golden Rule- you will not attain to true piety unless you love for your brother what you love for yourself.
Another speaker was the head of PEN Canada who uses this model of engagement in his talk s world wide to illustrate what Canada offers to the Muslim world situation.
Among the invited guests, who were asked to stand with the many speakers and political leaders for stage wide photo was Rev Dr. Karen Hamilton of the Canadian council of Churches and Pundit Roop Sharma, head of the Canadian Hindu Federation, who was recently appreciated at a special dinner held by the Canadian Council of Imams for his bravery in the face of Hindu Islamophobes.
Amr Khalid shook the audience just before the mouth watering array of dishes were served with his 750 000 survey of Arab youths found number one need was jobs are needed and the desire for meaningful partnership with those who have opportunities.
Congratulations and may their efforts be blessed.

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