Friday, 2 March 2012

Faith of Life Network hosts Gala in aid of Brampton Hospital

Faith of Life Network hosts Gala in aid of Brampton Hospital

 “What an awesome way of saying we care!” says the Mohamed family from Sayyeda Khatija centre. They were among the 500 odd guests who attended the recently fabulous Gala in Brampton’s finest Chandni Banquet Hall. Treated to an evening laced with eloquence, delicious cuisine, tabla entertainment and awards- all in aid of Brampton tripartite hospitals.

Muslim Friends of Osler five years ago targeted 1 million dollars and with Dr Hamid Slimi at the helm of this, the goal is not faraway with approx 650 000 fundraised so far.
The evening proceeding began with Dr Mohamed Naveed reminding all of the constant flow of critical patients at his emergency ward- some 230 per day, since the opening. He congratulated the retiring The President and CEO of William Osler Health System Foundation, Anne K Randel while the President and CEO of The William Osler Health System Dr. Mathew Anderson joined by the Chair of the Muslim volunteer group recognized her contribution with a plaque. Dr Anderson proudly reminded that some 7500 babies are born here per year making it the second busiest hospital in Canada. Critical care, surgery, rehab, mental health, first psychiatric unit, etc.

Minister Responsible for Seniors Hon Linda Jeffrey, MPP (Brampton--Springdale) spoke briefly on the importance of such a donation.  She has been touched by Imam Slimi since the first day at the opening. Fazil Baig, nephew of the late Mohamed Rafie, world famous Indian singer, rendered a beautiful qaseeda- song in praise of the Prophet. Honorable Minister Dr Charles Souza, MPP Mississauga South, commended the efforts of the volunteers and reminded the attentive audience that Islam is a great faith and Ontarians are people of faith! He was deeply impressed by the deep commitment Muslim youths demonstrated at the RIS conference recently and hopes for more great things from the Muslim community.

The chief guest was leader of the Opposition in Ontario, John Tory, Chair of Civic Action and radio talk host at CFRB. He was inspired by Islam since he first met imam SlimI at IMO in 2003 and has even brought his family to attend the mosque so they may learn Islam firsthand rather from the media types! Mr. Tory applauded the effort to help the hospital and saw the diversity of Ontario as a means to help out in many different ways and as reflected in the saying there are many ways to skin a cat! Canadians like Muslims wish for themselves strong families and better opportunities. He even asked the Jewish community to reflect on the Muslim experience, as they aren’t new to stereotype- victimization.

Sponsors were acknowledged by having their names placed on the hospital donors’ wall and those who donated 2500 and more were among those. There was beautiful art auction done by the famous AbdulLatif Tajideen, Kitchener. Imam Hamid Slimi conducted the fundraiser and ably extracted more benevolence from the Muslim hearts as well recognized everyone present including the Canadian Council of Imams’ delegation.

The MC of the night was Asim of SKC and it was indeed a lovely evening to say thank you for caring!

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