Sunday, 11 June 2023

Aunty Sha- poem in her memory


Aunty Sha- poem in her memory

Habeeb Alli

June 09 2023

A vestige of Alli pride


We’re told a time for everything

For love and mourning

For family and harvesting

Such is the Biblical and Quranic saying


A life full of life

That’s Ayesha Baksh at the doorstep of Heaven

From childhood memories

Every message bears testimony to her kindness


Not to miss a birthday or Eid greeting

A family of two beautiful children and lots more

She built a life in Canada even when widowed, single handily

Uncle B left no stone unturned to love her and her family


Every single call or card was filled with lovely memories

Now her journey unto Maa, and all begins

Our hearts will go on

No more shared sugar cake, and white roses


But when you think of it

She saw her Suzy got married, methinks, finally a tear fell for that memory

Blossomed by the presence of her son Rory and the Alli village

Her lasting words would be alrite, take care, until we meet again!


Godspeed to the Queen of hearts, and gratitude to our traveling guests from afar!


Wednesday, 10 May 2023

Love you mama- Mother's Day poem

Mother's Day - how to include her on this special day?

Don't forget me

She maybe gone and just been seen

But remember her

For she doesn't stop thinking about you

For those months of great pain

For those nights wondering what and why

For those years her prayers your gain

For all the things she taught you

Never forget her wherever you are

that  Paradise lies under her feet

This is no small feat

For she is always in prayer and so should you too!

Roes and kisses

Dinners and wells

Memories flood

Oh beautiful Mama our heart beats!

Diverse Communities commemorate Queen Elizabeth passing in Canada.


Upon the passing of Queen Elizabeth a Multifaith ceremony including Faith leaders  who are Buddhist, Jewish, Christian and Muslim participated outside the Cummers Lodge Long Term home in Toronto.