Saturday, 15 October 2016

Haiti Hola- AbdulAziz from the Inside

Tragedy strikes again
Insufferable conditions for us

Yet justified as tolerable for them
A wonderful society we live in

Not sparing  a moment of time for them
Brothers and sisters it's time

We give more than a kind thought for them
Haitians suffering only to rise stronger again

Is it that we can't spare a dollar knowing?
It may save countless children, women and men

In the Name of Allah
This message is sent.

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Pink Coconut

Eyes that pierce and dance in a singular breath
Skin that shines the  moonlight
Speech stronger than Malala
The Muslim warrior is born in North America

Not afraid  to speak to power
Full of artistic splendor  like the nightingale
The gesture  to share on the shores
The willingness to breathe new life into Faith

This inner light
Coming from the mountains  of Kush
More beautiful than Borealis
It's the pink a feminist is sometimes afraid to don

The coconut warrior!