Hafiz Patel a leader of Islam
To you forever Salam
Nevermind our patron was originally of India
His leadership extended from England to beyond the Americas and even Africa
A scholar of the religion and unique human
I have not seen a closer replica of a divine mystic ever
With a passion unmatched
I sat in his company countless times unattached
The constant reminder to be the Ambassador of Islam
To imitate the Honorable Prophet
And leave the luxury of home to strive in God's Path
A true Inviter of Ummahhood
My mentor after a year in the Path of Allah in India
Hafiz saheb insisted I return to Guyana
Travelling together in South America
His smiling ask of me was always
Habeeb become Allah's Beloved!
Followers in every department of Deen throughout the world
A devout servant we have lost
In the Hereafter his investment in us millions perpetuated
Allah yarhamhu!