Monday, 10 November 2014

Poem- Congratulations Kassim on His 6Oth Bdayand retirement party

Kasim retired
Never could you believe?
That a badminton court could turn banquet hall
A man could undertake so much in lifetime and still be so young

Kassim is more than a friend and leader
Always caring and present
Amazed at his relation with Sabrina
Fatima and Muhammad comes to mind

But how could you live so well?
And give to Islam, family and country?
Not without a wife more fragrant than lavender
Zoraida this is your party

For he couldn't begin this journey 
without you-
His Khadija
Allah bless you both!


ochro  fish  liver  corn water melon icicle hammock wifi breeze...
the open sky stopped by banana leaves
like mothers of the earth
youth lost on children and men
this tree grows many hands
cut her again and again
she still grows more banana your hands can hold
like sweet cashew now showing bud
this woman whose hardened soles
lies your salvation
has colors more beautiful than pink and gold
where else can you find Malala
secured from eyes of every day girls
but just there in every corner
every third world classroom
raped of future
stuck like a baby mother
waiting for a text
waiting for milk and sugar
what religion what God
Which Prophet which heart of the Kaba
who stain a girls future
would make haram education
would snatch her future
but spineless cronies of Pharoah and Hitler
this sweet Guyana
Land of waters and Eldorado
young mothers like this half green cashew
not knowing difference between biology and sexual favors
walk the corridors of suicide and abortion
shame upon the Babylons of power
men and women who allow such disgraceful demeanour
Jesus washed the feet of the sinner
Mary draped her head with her miracle baby
Judge not for you will be commented on  Facebook
Look not at others for dirt lies within your phones
Hold the hand of our mothers
Like this young coconut tree
Her mother shaded her to maturity
One day she will rule the world with class A coconuts and you will bow to this God's angel

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Poem on Ali retirement

Ali John you've done it
Dragging though the years like Sobers
Hitting the students, family and Deen with that smile
Now retired on the ball not out

What a wonder of life
To be surprised, to be loved
Like Malala the Warrior of Education
You've retired from TDSB but not from knowledge

Like the sweet hummingbird
Dancing on your dreams of tomorrow
Salisha unknowingly called you John for 35 years
John is really Jan i.e. my life, baby!

I looked in utter awe
As your daughter Salima, no your princess
And two princes, Saeed and Adam welcomed you
No I watched, soaring above, the fragrance of love, now, the world awaits you.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Malala on Becoming a Honorary Canadian Citizen

Congratulations Malala
Becoming a Canadian took me years
An honorary Canadian
Took you your home, courage and tears

Standing up after being shot
Shot at for wanting education, your Islamic right
You broke the walls of Gaza,
The Indo-Pak Partition, and of girls raped of a future, forever

Making your second life the gift for the oppressed
Thanking God with hijab, voice and confidence; what beauty!
A teenager playing on world stage,
The Prophet, on whom be peace, is humbled by his Ayesha of this Age!

When twisted men hijacked religion
Front it like Kalashnikov in Satanic wars
They stand with Abu Jahl while you on Muhammad's legion:-
The liberator of girls buried alive, chattels of Arabia and the modern likes

Dreaming in your hospital for months alone
You've made every Terry Fox's dream come true
The fragrance of Arabian zephyr
Now flavored with Maple, oh brave heart!

Let the winds of love blow through your hair like snowflakes in fall
Let the strides of greatness abound, beyond and above
Play for you're still an Afghani teen; as teens in cloud nine
And be strong for you're the daughter of this Ummah, to be followed, Apna Pyare Malala!
May you live as long as Hurricane Hazel; surpassed in passion and leadership!

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Thunder in Guyana

American Janet Jagan is Guyana’s matriarchal freedom fighter

I ATTENDED the ‘Thunder in Guyana’ show and was touched by the immense dedication and patriotism lived by the Jewish American wife of late President Cheddi Jagan, the late President Her Excellency Mrs Janet Jagan.
While much of our history is still unknown and rift with misrepresentation, there is no doubt that the sparse attendance by the Guyanese Diaspora at this Toronto Caribbean Film festival event, hosted by a Trinidadian artiste, who by the way was given the title film from the Jewish Film festival, is indicative of the growing indifference of our national pride and lacklustre attitude towards our heritage.
Guyana is a country of extreme potential, sitting on the most strategic edge of South America and the documentary demonstrates boldly the imperial powers’ past obstruction of fair democratic courses of political engagement in Guyana. It is unfortunate that we have lived and developed much, but learnt little from this bloody and tearful history, such as the sacrifices of the Enmore martyrs and long days of strike, as we struggled everyday on the battleground of poverty, corruption and crime.
As Bob Marley rightly said, those who do not know their history will not be proud of their identity, and that is our own crisis in the making.
I believe, instead of saluting her as ‘blue- eyed bhoujie’ we should nationalise her as blue-eyed Maa!

Poem on Blue Guava

Just launched Blue Guava
What is it folks ask?
Never heard of any guava except white and pink
Well it must be heavenly or blue vex!

Taste love deeply
Each lover silently supplicates
Each drop of rain could a storm bring
Yet who is willing to get wet, is the thing

Mine is a journey rarely spoken of
Beating on the chaos with words chosen
Wishing the hammer would stop
And the reader will ask is this about me or him?

IDRF gala oct 18

Oct 18. Satya Sai Peace Conference

One Love 3rd Annual Conference for Muslim Chaplaincy 2015. January 31st

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Habeeb Alli BIO

Habeeb Alli originates from Guyana where he studied at Queen's College and graduated in India with a Masters in Islamic Theology and Arabic Language, and also a Diploma in Journalism. 

Habeeb has authored eighteen titles on Islam and poetry, the latest is Red Coconut-Bridging the racial divide. 

He is a member of the Canadian Council of Muslim Theologians and the Canadian Council of Imams. He is an honorary director for the Moeen Centre for Persons with Disabilities, Director at the GTA Faith Alliance and the Abraham Festival in Peterborough.

Habeeb presently serves as Community Development Manager at International Development and Relief Foundation and Federal Chaplain with Correctional Services Canada. He is the founder of the annual One Love Gala in recognition of successful reintegration of inmates.

Habeeb  lives currently  in Toronto  with  his family.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Make money. wear jewellery. Invest in beauty.

Amazing opportunity after trying many network marketing firms I found this to be amazing.

Monday, 24 February 2014

IDRF video

Mar 1 st conference on the environment.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Monday, 10 February 2014

Happy Black History month . We got swag!

They say we ain't any history
Our people from the Caribbean were slaves
Didn't walk with any civilization
We just love to get rapped and can't keep a stack

But you ain't know us
So don't play God and judge us
Our ancestors were greater than Rome and India put together
We came as Kings way before Columbus

Look at our music, so sweet, colourful clothes and bling
We brought that swag from Mansa Musa the Mali King
Who laid the 1000 cities with gold way before El Dorado was discovered
We had our women as Queens, not beaten on plantations reaping cotton

Our medicine men and scientists, not shamans and psychics
Spoke glowingly in books filled up libraries
We did' t burn churches and killed children on stakes
We lived with all religions and races just there in West African states

Our scholars were many
They taught the Quran and Bible
They gave us the lubricator and lighted cities of Cordoba
So don't say Moors and Black men running wild

We made history way before the first Black President
We gave the world the likes of Iris and Nelson Mandela
We were lead to freedom by Cuffy and Cudjoe plus Toussaint besides The French Revolution

So listen up
Those in shackles and who cannot leave this fortress mentality
Telling me to go back to Africa and Carribean people ain't got any Islamic history
We discovered Bermuda triangle and lived in Brazil with our  GPS called Idrisi
Building pyramids, and by the way the Malcolm X was a child of the Black peninsula called the Caliphate of Songhay Ali

Visit Turkey
I met Omaid Safi at Bader Theatre and there was a transformative halo around this intelligent and sirene human speaker!

I have orgainsed an amazing workshop Feb 10

Daphne Magna
Understanding Canadian Culture
For Canadian Imams

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

My book on Intimacy

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Domestic Violence documentary

I spoke out against Domestic Violence in this Interfaith documentary.

Happy Valentine

Just don't what to say
Just living with a lump in my throat, my head tight, pain too much to bear it
Over thinking killing me slowing

What Valentine?
When I can't even have a hope in any thing you claim will be true
Playing, have to have your way

Valentine is about sacrifice not making someone who loves you mad and hating
Happy Valentine
To all those who live for love

There is nothing like it
And when you know you gave your best
All you get is broken promises
You want to set the world afire

But you believe in Roses!


Happy Valentine to those who bravely love even though it felt like waiting for a ship at the airport!

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Interfaith meeting in Markham

Looking to share a meal and learn about each others faith.
Markham Civic Centre.
FEB is about love.

Importance of recognizing the gift of life

People say why celebrate your birthday
When your mama gave birth to you
You didn't ask for it
But now you have the greatest gift so say

You don't have to make it elaborate
Cutting a cake
Or drinking binge
But you have to give praise

Cause I know many
Who aint got a chance as you do
Who still suffer from loss of family
So when you get a chance show some love

Every day is not birthday
Every is fishing day
Bit not every day is your catching day
So even if life sucks its still worth it to say Alhamdullilah for the sunshine.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Happy New Years


Mau the sunshine be in your mind
The dark clouds roll over the hills
The moonlight rage within your bossoms
Like the mighty falls of Niagra may your worries drown away

Who cares?


Habeeb Alli


National Community Chaplaincy Conference 2013

Community chaplains who cares?
Not even God who answered the sigh of retired Abraham with Ishmael
Even if it was on Colored People time!

And what about the men that crave beadworks
And the women who create cards without colours
And the colleagues whose emails sing joy
Upon the small victories because Faith is winning so what

And who really cares
Not maybe political neo colonists
Or social engineering pundits
But for sure the children of Canada and their cyber offsprings

The sunshine traced on breathtaking walkabouts
The halal cuisine served with pleasant smiles
The gracious space of Acadians tucked away on the Bay of Love
All is in God's hand; each speaker reminded me that someone cares

For the tears of flashbacks you are not alone
For the laughter at dark secrets keep moving
For the you that shared courage at buried pain
For all that serve my God how much do you care!

May your travels be light
Your heart, for you are the breath on the whisper of God, desire more than lobster
Like Dismas, the two thieves, inspired by the Master
May your sacrifice be for Him, Allah, even if anyone ain't care!

The End.