You know you're from the land of many waters
When you remember days with aluminum buckets
Lining up at the dugout hydrant
Or someone selling you water on donkey cart or contraband items!
You know you came from the nation of many religions
When your nanny invited you to jhandi
Your auntie is having Quran shareef
And your mother sends over parsaud to Collins neighbour
This is the nation of Enmore martyrs
You proudly announce to your Canadian friends
Where Forbes, Rodney and Jagan
All attended the ceremony without mentioning elections
And only in Guyana you can find this
That you see races of four continents
Marrying, eating and playing ball together
One had to say good morning Uncle Herbie, even if he was not your Mammoo
Where else but the land of Kaieteur
You can find little boys paddling canoe
Going to school miles away
Clutching exercise book with the President logo; wearing Bata booths like education was all they know
And how come you never mention manners
If you misbehave down the street
Every house you fearfully pass by
You bound to get some fine ones before your Old Man take over with the finest bramble
This the United Nations model
Where colonial powers divide you to rule
But yet still deep down in every village
You see church, mandir and masjid, like they have one owner or contractor called Baaboo
You know you are proud of this place off the Atlantic
Where fresh fish comes to you and gets cleaned without an extra toonie
Where you tie hammock underneath bottom house
And every stranger is a friend right there in the fireside and cahary iron pot!
So praise the Most High
That with little resources and much courage
We have flew pass the Union Jack
Making our Land of Birth proud in every nation- Oh Land of Many Lifetimes!